The logo brand has also become a proud part of the tradition, and licensing of the logo alone accounts for approximately 5% of the Harley Davidson Motor Companys net profit (based on figures from the 2004 financial report). There is a strong and loyal following of the brand and Chopper style motorcycle, throughout the world.
The motorcycle has evolved a lot over the years. The first production model, in 1905 had a single cylinder 440cc engine. In 1911, a new engine was introduced, with a V-Twin design, with 810ccs. The popularity of the HD motorcycle soared and by 1920 it was the biggest manufacturer in the world.
The company went through some rough patches after the second world war, and changed hands in 1952 and again in 1981.
The release of the "Fat Boy" model in 1990, reinvigorated sales. The company went back to quality parts and away from mass production to differentiate the brand from overseas and other local mass produced bikes. Demand soared again and due to the quality assembly process, it was not uncommon for the waiting list for the most popular models to exceed 12 months.
A museum, dedicated to the HD motorcycle will be opened in Menomonee River Valley in 2008 to honor and celebrate the history of the bike and the brand.

Associated with the huge success of the HD brand is the logo and other paraphernalia. One of the hottest items in this category is the Harley tattoo. Harley Davidson tattoo designs have evolved over the years, and allows the wearers to pay tribute and provides a connection with a special bike. The tats have many meanings to many people, but the overwhelming meaning is that of belonging. Belonging to the Harley community.
The most popular HD designs are badges incorporating wings and flames, eagles with the Harley logo, pictures of a motorcycle and either slogans, flames or both, patriotic tattoos with the Harley logo, Roses with the logo, hearts and knives with a banner for your slogan to be inserted. These are just a few of the most popular designs.

The hardest part is deciding what design you want and where to get the best quality Harley Davidson tattoos. Check out as many designs as you can on the internet to give you some idea of what you want. But remember the majority are low quality, and thousands of people have access to the same designs everyday, so you will end up with the same design as someone else! I searched a heap of free and paid sites when I got my tattoo. I can show you which are the best tattoo galleries out there specifically for the Harley tattoo.

As we all know, tattoos are one of the ways in which a lot of people decide to express their uniqueness of personal identity. For most, it is a symbol of freedom, freedom from the herd and the millions of people floating all around. Having a tattoo is a way of standing out among a crowd. Now when we look at the history of the Harley, the similarities are easily visible. In the bike culture, the Harley signified a kind of freedom and that expression of being on the road, free from all restrictions. Having a Harley Davidson bike meant that you were different and stood out from the rest of the crowd as well. Now when you combine the concepts of both, you get a winning combination, that is, the Harley tattoo.

Thus, the Harley Davidson bike has a very special bad boy image which has stayed over the years. Having a tattoo just perpetuates this kind of an image of daredevilry and adventure. You can twist and turn your tattoo into anything that you want to and make it an expression of your individuality.